Research and Development
Innovation based on ideas, experience and know-how.
Making ideas come true
CReAI carries out Research and Development activities both in the context of projects supported by public or private funding to develop solutions to specific Customer needs.
In the framework of collaborative projects, funded at regional, national and European level, CReAI actively participates in the development of innovative ideas in the following areas:
- Transportation
- Sustainable mobility
- Intelligent diagnostics
- Renewable energies
Some of the co-financed projects to which CReAI has contributed are:
- Tesys Rail – Techniques and tools to increase the environmental sustainability of rail transport systems. Co-funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research – Italian Technology Cluster “Trasporti Italia 2020”.
- DINER – Intelligent diagnostics and logistics of railway rolling stock. Co-financed by the POR FESR Toscana program 2014-2020.
- Sii-Mobility – Integrated interoperability support for services to citizens and public administration. National Smart Cities Project co-financed by the Ministry of University Education and Research on Mobility and Transport.
- VIP – Multifunctional Innovative Vehicle. Co-financed by the POR FESR Toscana program 2007-2013.
- BELT – Belt Electro-hydraulic controlled Light Transmission for tramway vehicles. Co-financed by the POR FESR Toscana program 2007-2013.
CReAI is also part of the MO.TO.R.E. (Montagna Toscana Ricerca Energie), born from the homonymous project, which carries out Research, Innovation and Development activities on renewable energies, starting from mountain resources.

Do you have an idea you want to develop?
Do you need to solve a specific problem?
Contact us to find out how our experience can help you.